These hand-crafted Copper and Sibucao Wood earrings are inlaid with abalone shell that adds a a little bit of Yemonja tranquility.
Great for special occasions or everyday wear and make for a very special gift for someone you value.
These Earrings hang approximately 3 inches in length and are light wearing. Custom sizing, stones and metal can be requested. However, please contact us directly via email or phone for custom order requests so that we can design your custom piece according to your specifications.
A list of metaphysical and healing properties that the materials within this piece contain along with instructions on how to clean and clear your pieces can be found in the Product Info Section Below.
Your order will come in colorful gift packaging with a list of the materials for each piece and their healing and metaphysical properties along with our gratitude and appreciation for your patronage and positive vibrations.
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Create an Amazing Day!
Soulistic TwistCustom creativity from nature’s own elements of life and beauty.
Sibucao Wood and Abalone Copper Wire Wrapped Earrings
The following is a list of healing properties for the mind, body, and soul that the materials of this piece contain.
Like other sources of vibrational healing from Nature, Abalone Shells have a strong elemental bond with the Earth and it’s healing capabilities. Abalone is closely connected to that of the Water element and the vibrations of Love, Beauty, Gentleness, Caring, Compassion and Peace. It is also known as “the Sea Ears” because of it’s flattened, oval shape with iridescent interior. It was used by Native Northwest American Indians for cleansing, offerings and prayers. Usually Abalone is found off the coasts of South America, Japan and China. On an intuitive level, Abalone helps to stimulate psychic development and intuition while promoting the power of imagination. It has a soothing vibration that can help calm emotions during deep healing and will emotionally support the growth of Self. Physically, Abalone can heal the body within the Chakras but resonates most with the Third Eye, Heart and Solar Plexus Chakras. Within Third Eye Chakra, it will stimulate psychic intuition. Within the Heart Chakra it will help to gently clear and release emotions of fear, sorrow or any other negative feelings held. Within the Solar Plexus, it will use the power of Nature to re-instill the Power of Self. With such potent healing properties, it’s known to tone up the immune system of the wearer, apart from this it also energizes the physical structure and assists in the assimilation of proteins. It is known to profit the athletes, as it boosts up their potency, as well as stamina. Abalone will help with anxiety and stress related issues in high strung individuals. It will also help with relief with arthritis, joint disorders, muscular problems, the heart and the digestive system. It is very helpful for athletes that would like to help build and protect healthy muscle tissue while strengthening the heart muscles!
Gender Association: Feminine
Planetary Association: The Moon, Venus, Neptune
Elemental Association: Water
Sibucao is a natural hard redwood with potent healing, grounding and calming properties.
COPPER Taurus, Libra
Copper, in spiritual alchemy, represents experiences with love, sympathy and affection. The world would be a harsh, bleak land without the refining influence of copper. There would be no appreciation of beauty, no knowledge of harmony; none of the softer shading of life that soothe the sting of adversity. Copper is the metal of peace and love which gives strength, endurance, and life to its wearer. Creates a protective barrier between you and the negative electrical emissions from any electronic device by absorbing the radiation. It also provides a harmonic connection between the physical and astral bodies and has been used successfully to amplify and to transmit thought. Copper also is known to combats lethargy, passivity, restlessness, excitability, and non-acceptance of oneself. It stimulates initiative, optimism, diplomacy, and independence. It also advances and stabilizes the energies of intuition, sexuality, desire, and vitality - directing these energies toward the pursuit of one's path of evolution. Copper is also successfully used in the treatment of carpal tunnel to relieve pain and to strengthen when worn around the wrist. Helps to balance inner conflicts and harmonizes one’s feelings jealousy, anger or arrogance. Strengthens intuition and the connection with one’s sense of higher powers and helps to promote self-determination. Refines radiance. Copper generally supports detoxification on all levels of body, mind and spirit. Helpful for all disharmonies, which may occur due to insufficient excretion and detoxification in the case of kidney problems, varicose veins, disturbed metabolism, hair loss, sexual weakness, hormonal disturbance, states of fear or tension.