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This report includes a detailed numerological analysis of
your time and date of birth, your date of conception,
your given and current name(s), how each impacts
and shapes your attitude, and the direction that your
life-path takes. This includes the vibratory influence
of your zodiac/planetary alignment and house
placement influences within your chart and how they
impact your personality as a collective versus just
your sun and moon signs.

Main Resonant Frequencies, Numerology, & Major Influences Report

  • In order to prepare your chart, I'll need your date and time of birth, your full birth name, and/or current name (if different), where you were born and to know if you were carried full term or born prematurely. (to calculate your time of conception)


    Once your chart is purchased and the requested information received, it takes up to 24-36 hours to generate and send out to you. Each Birth Chart Report can be ordered as an E-book version or printed, bound and shipped to you directly. The choice is yours!

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